EUROS Second Generation 2013-2017

2013  Size 120 x 62 mm
Motif: Classical Architecture. The gate is a style element from Greco-Roman antiquity.
Signed by M. Draghi
Leuchtturm Catalogue Euro #LY-B8 Dr
Printing Code=Y (Central Bank of Greece, Athens)


2014  Size 127 x 67 mm
Motif: Romanesque Architecture. The Romanesque archway is a stylistic element from the Early Middle Ages.
Signed by M. Draghi
Leuchtturm Catalogue Euro #LV-B9 Dr
Printing Code=V (Royal Mint of Spain, Madrid)

2015  Size 133 x 72mm
Motif: Gothic Architecture.
Signed by M. Draghi
Leuchtturm Catalogue Euro #LM-B10Dr
Printing Code=M (Valora S.A., Carregado,Portugal)

2017  Size 140 x 77mm
Motif: Renaissance Architecture.
Signed by M. Draghi
Leuchtturm Catalogue Euro #LV-B14Dr
Printing Code=V (Royal Mint of Spain, Madrid)