AE 15 mm, 4.54 g
O: Hd of Tyche rt.
R: Cornucopia and Phoenician inscription QR[-] year is equivalent to BCE 189.
Ex: Copper Penny
Acquisition: 2006
Map showing location of Euboia/Euboea as well as Eretria.
Musées d’Athènes:
Musée numismatique—Les principales acquisitions signalées par Mme. Varoukha sont:
b. Six pieces d’argent (une drachme d’Alexandre, une drachme de Lysimaque, trois drachmes de Béotie, une drachme d’Égine, une drachme de Sicyone), faisant partie d’un lot de 31 pièces provenant du village de Talanta près Monemvasie et entré également dans la collection Kyriakis;
[Translation from French by JG:
Chronicle of Archaeological Excavations and discoveries in Greece in 1948 (pp.519 ff)
Museums of Athens:
Numismatic Museum ( The principal acquisitions announced by Madame Varoukha are:
Six silver coins (one drachma of Alexander, one drachma of Lysimachus, three drachmas of Beotia, one drachma of Aegina, one drachma of Sicyon), forming part of a lot of 31 pieces coming from the village from Talanta near Monemvasia and also entered the Kyriakis collection.]
In Coin Hoards III (RNS 1977, p. 28) it states the following about the Talanta Hoard, 1948 (IGCH 132)
280 BC
Aegina dr. 13
Sicyon dr. 6
Macedonia Alexander III dr. 3
Philip III dr. 1
Thebes dr. 1
Disposition: in commerce. This is the section of the 'Talanta' Hoard formerly in a private collection. (illustration of this coin is taken from figure 10, p. 29.) This listing accounts for 24 of the 31 coins found in the hoard.