AR Triobol (16 mm, 2.43 gm) dealer stating "Good VF, Scarce."
Obv: Forepart of wolf at bay to left; O with dot inside it above
Rev: Large A; Δ-Ε above on either side; eagle stg right on harpa below; all within shallow incuse square.
BMC Peloponnesus 61; BCD Peloponnesos 1109-1110 v., Mycenae pl. 9, 24-25, SNG Cop. 31, Grose 6836-6839.
Acquisition: 2007
Ex: ANE (Canada)
Ex: BCD Collection
Ex: Bank Leu (January, 1974)
Ex: Jacob Hirsch (1874-1955) stock with original coin ticket.
Probably passed via inheritance to Leo Mildenberg who sold “all those of BCD’s area to him in the late 1970’s” [BCD Peloponnesos p. 4).
Ex: Prof. Athanasios Rhousopoulos (1823-1898) collection sold 1905 by Jacob Hirsch.
Green card is Hirsch's denoting R/G meaning “Rhousopoulos Greichen” originating in the Rhousopoulos collection, white card is BCD's.
According to BCD Peloponnesos catalogue, “The O / ΔΕ…issues are among the last silver issues of the 3rd century, and were almost certainly struck just prior to the weight reduction in c. 250/240….” (p.270 note after lot #1105)