Greece/Seleucid; Demetrius I Soter BCE 162-150
AE 20 mm, 7.79 g, Tyre mint SE 154=BCE 159/8
SC 1671, SNG Spaer 1314-1318, Newell Tyre 47
O : diad hd of Demetrius r., one diadem end flying up behind, the other falling forward over shoulder, dotted border.
R: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY in two lines above, TYPIΩN and Phoenician inscription “of
Date above stern: LΔNP
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus I Soter BCE 280-261

AR Drachm, 18 mm, 3.98 g., Seleucia on the Tigris mint, BCE c. 278-274 (per Newell)
ESM 158, SC 380.2b
O: diad. Hd of Antiochus I, r, dotted border.
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ on the r., ANTIOXOY on the l., Apollo, slight drapery on r.thigh std l., on omphalos, testing arrow and resting l., hand on grounded bow.
Controls on outer r and l.
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus VI Dionysus BCE 144-142
AE 20 mm, 4.46 g,
Winterthur III, 5012, SC 2007b (this coin)
O: Radiate and diademed hd of king r., one diadem tie falling forward over shoulder, dotted border.
R: [BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ/A]NTIOXOY in two lines above panther, [E]ΠΙΦANOYΣ/ [ΔI]ONYΣOY in two lines below, panther stg l., foreleg raised, head facing, broken spear in mouth.
Primary control above panther’s tail: ΣTA
Secondary control: palm branch
Planchet appears to have been broken in antiquity.
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus VI Epiphanes Dionysus BCE 144-142
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus V Eupator BCE 164-162
Greece/Seleucid; Demetrius II Second Reign, BCE 129-125
Control, between eagle’s legs, monogram ΓΗΡ
Greece/Seleucid; Demetrius III Eucaerus BCE 97/6-88/7

SC 2455.1
O: diad. hd of Demetrius r, bearded, dotted border.
R: BACIΛΕΩC ΔHMHTPIOV ΘEOV in three lines on r., ΦΙΛΟΠATOPOC CΩTHPOC in two lines on l., Hermes stg facing holding palm and caduceus, dotted border.
Controls on outer left one above and one below and HΔ monogram in ex. on rt. date on l., in ex. ΖΙΣ
Hermann Weber Collection in 3 Volumes
Without the plates these books are an interesting curiosity more so than a resource. If the plates are added in the future I will upload links to those as well.
Vol. I. Introduction: [Notes culled from "Autobiographical reminiscences of Sir Hermann Weber... " London, Priv. print., 1919] Auriol find class. Hispania. Gallia. Britannia. Italy and Sicily. --
Vol. II. Macedon. Thrace. Thessaly. North western, central and southern Greece. --
Vol. III. pt. I. Asia: Bosporus. Colchis. Pontus. Paphlagonia. Bythynia. Mysia. Troas. Aeolis. Lesbos. Ionia. Caria. Lydia.
Vol. III. pt. II. Asia: Phrygia. Lycia. Pamphylia. Pisidia. Cilicia. Cyprus. Galatia. Cappadocia. Syria. Phoenicia. Palestine. Arabia. Mesopotamia. Persia. Persis. Characene. Bactria. Africa: Egypt. Cyrenaica. Libya. Zeugitana. Islands between Africa and Sicily. Numidia. Mauretania. Incerta
Jacob Hirsch Auction Catalogues Available
As more become available we will create links to those as well.
The most important of the four is the Rhousopoulos Auction catalogue from 1905 that sells when available for US$1,200 or more. Now it is available complete with plates for only the time it takes to locate the link.
I wish to thank Ed Snible's site http://digitalhn.blogspot.com/ for first posting this information.
Greece/Seleucid; Demetrius II (First Reign) BCE 146-138
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus I Soter BCE 280-261, in the name of Seleucus I
Ex: WKR collection
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus X Eusebes Philopator c. BCE 94-probably 88
AE 21 mm, 8.29 g., 12h, Unattributed Issue of Northern Syria, First reign, c. BCE 92/1?.
SC 2427A (to be included in an Addenda/Corrigenda of SC tentatively scheduled for pub in 2015)
please also refer to http://scaddenda.org/2014/10/07/scads42-antiochus-x-sc-2427a/ where it is listed by the new number and also as SCADS 43.
O: Diademed hd of Antiochus X r. with fringe of curly beard, diadem ends falling straight behind.
Dotted border.
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOV in two lines on r. EVΣEBOVΣ ΦΙΛOΠATOPOΣ in two lines on the l., pilei of Dioscuri, each diademed and surmounted by star. PK monogram C control.
Possible date in exergue AKC (SE 221=92/1 BCE)? Other mark in ex ANI? possible other letters?
Acquisition: 2009
Greece/Armenia; Tigranes II ‘the Great’. 95-56 BCE
M&D 44; CAA 101 corr.; AC 66
O:Draped bust right, wearing five-pointed Armenian tiara decorated with star between two eagles
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ BAΣΙΛΕΩN [TIΓPANOY], Herakles-Vahagn standing slightly left, holding club set on ground and lion skin; Δ-H across inner field.
The Δ-H controls appear on a tetradrachm of Antioch during his occupation of the Seleucid capital, so perhaps this coin may have also been struck during that time, since it shares the same controls...though the tet also has an M in the lower inner left.
Indo-Greek; Menander BCE 160-145
Greece/Seleucid; Demetrius II BCE 129-125
Greece/Ptolemaic Egypt; Ptolemy I Soter BCE 305-282

AE Hemiobol 15 mm, 4.2 g
Svoronos 630 (Ptolemy II); Weiser -; SNG Copenhagen -; Cox, Excavations at Curium, ANSNNM 145, 73 (Ptolemy II); Lorber, “Ptolemaic Bronze Coinage of
O: Diademed head of Alexander right
R: ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, wings displayed; in left field, club and monogram ΠΑ
Bar-Kochba Treasure Chest Discovered in Judean Hills

Here is the J'lem Post's coverage: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1251804529782
I would also post Ha'aretz' but their coverage was very poor and included horribly incorrect info such as the hoard included Roman gold coins "minted in Israel as well as throughout the Roman Empire." Perhaps the reporter needed space filler knowing that the average reader wouldn't fact check, just like the Ha'aretz editor.
Great pix of some of the coins found in situ and after cleaning (in the first article posted). Other than a couple statements verging on hyperbole, the article is generally OK, though it may be the largest find of the period found by archaeologists, not the largest if private finds are considered and one consults Mildenberg.
"Prof. Frumkin pointed out the significance of the particular cave, near the site of ancient Beitar, which was the site of the “last stand” of the rebels led by Bar-Kochba in their struggle against Roman rule in Judea from 132-35 CE. "
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus VII Sidetes BCE 138-129
AR Tetradrachm, 30 mm, 16.74 g, Antioch mint.
SC 2061.1m, SMA 275
O: diad., hd of Antiochus VII r., diadem ends falling straight behind, fillet border.
R: BAΣΙΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOV in two lines on r., EVEPΓETOV on l., Athena stg l resting l hand on grounded shield and extending r beyond royal epithet, where she supports Nike l. extending wreath into border spear standing vertical behind her, laurel wreath border.
Primary control in monogram (outer l above): ΔΙ
Secondary controls (outer l below): AI
Greece/Seleucid; Alexander II Zabinas BCE 128-122
AR Drachm, 15 mm, 4.14 g, Antioch mint
SC 2221.3a, SMA 342, CSE 306
O: diad hd of Alexander II r., diadem ends falling straight behind, dotted border.
R: BAΣΙΛEΩΣ on r., AΛEΞANΔPOY on l., filleted double cornucopiae oriented to r.
Primary control in mongram of HΔP inner l. above.
Secondary control inner l., below: Δ
Greece/Seleucid; Seleucus VI Epiphanes Nicator BCE c. 96-94
AR Hemidrachm, 13.9 mm, 1.741 g, Antioch mint, BCE 95-94
SC 2419, CSE 376 (obs die link with this coin)
O: diademed hd of Seleucus VI r, with short curly beard, diadem ends falling straight behind dotted border.
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕVΚOV in two lines on r., NIKATOPOΣ in two lines on l., filleted double cornucopiae, oriented to r.
Primary control (outer l.): PK monogram above A
Secondary control (between fillet and cornucopiae tip): C
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus VI Dionysus BCE 144-142
SC 2028.1, SNG Spaer 2111v, CSE 830, Babelon 700
O: laureate hd of Apollo r., hair knotted at back, wavy locks escaping down neck, dotted border.
R: [ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ] on r., ANTIOXOY on l., Tyche stg r., in profile, extending r. hand with phiale(?) and holding cornucopiae over shoulder, dotted border.
Controls (inner l.):
Ex: Ira Ettinger Collection
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus VIII BCE 121-96
SC 2309.2e; SMA 408
O: diad., hd r, diadem ends falling straight behind, fillet border.
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOV in two lines on r., EΠΙΦANOVΣ on l., Zeus enthroned l., holding Nike and resting on sceptre, laurel and wreath border.
Primary control outer l: P/E above A
Secondary control under throne
EX: CNG EA 213 (01 July 2009), portion of lot 581, CNG noted that all coins had find patinas. All were average VF.
Medieval English Coins with interesting provenances

Henry III (1216-1272), Penny, 1.44g., Voided Long Cross Coinage, Class 3b, (1248-1250), London - Nicole, crowned facing bust of Henry, i.m. star, HENRICVS REX III, rev., voided long cross with trefoil of pellets in each angle, NICOLE ON LVND, [Nicholas of St. Albans] (N.987; S.1363)
Provenance: Old Spink stock ticket in the hand of Douglas G. Liddell (1918/9-2003, see info below).
Ex Stepengley/Steppingley Church Hoard, Bedfordshire, September 1912.
(deposition c. CE 1270 according to Michael Dolley & W.A. Seaby “The Anomalous Long Cross Coins in the Anglo-Irish Portion of the Brussels Hoard” p. 294, Mints, Dies and Currency: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Baldwin By R. A. G. Carson, 2006)
Hoard consisted of 518 coins (2 Short Cross, 485 Voided Long Cross, 13 Irish Voided Long Cross, 16 Scottish Voided Long Cross and Stars, 2 Lippe Sterling imitations), found in the Church of St. Lawrence at Steppingley, (Thompson Directory #342, also NC 1914).

St Lawrence Church , Steppingley
The church of St. Lawrence, rebuilt in 1860 by the Duke of Bedford and the rector, is a building of local sandstone in the Early Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and a tower containing 4 bells : it is seated with open oak benches for 240 persons. The register dates from 1562, but is continuous only from 1647.
13th Century: The church consisted of a chancel, nave, north and south porches and west tower. It was said to be the smallest church in the county. The Gentleman's Magazine of 1849 said "it is probably the smallest in the county with a low tower not rising above the neighbouring hayricks."
1858-60: The east wall of the chancel collapses and brings down most of the church with it. The Duke of Bedford agreed to rebuild the church and commissioned Henry Clutton. Work began in December 1858 and the new church was opened on the 19th October 1860.
1912: During restoration work on the church a hoard of 13th century silver coins were found beneath the chancel floor.
from: http://www.galaxy.bedfordshire.gov.uk/webingres/bedfordshire/vlib/0.digitised_resources/steppingly_timeline.htm
AR Shilling (31 mm, 5.37g) Second Issue 1560-1561, Tower mint, m.m. Martlet, bust 3C
S. 2555 v
R: POSVI DEV. ADIVTOREM MEV. large cross over COA
AR Half Groat, 16 mm 1.03 g. fifth issue, c. 1590-1592 mm hand
S. 2579
O: E.D.G. ROSA SINE SPINA, crowned bust left, two pellets behind
R: CIVITAS LONDON, shield on long cross fourchée
John Lackland (1199-1216), Short Cross Cut Half Penny, 0.59g., class 5b (1205- Ricard B - London), S. 1351
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus VI Dionysus BCE 144-142

SC 2028.1, SNG Spaer 2112v, CSE 830, Babelon 700
O: laureate hd of Apollo r., hair knotted at back, wavy locks escaping down neck, dotted border.
R: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ANTIOXOY on l., Tyche stg r., in profile, extending r. hand with phiale(?) and holding cornucopiae over shoulder, dotted border.
Controls (inner l.):
NOTE: This coin was never received from the dealer who posted it REGISTERED on August 28, 2009 through Deutsche Post, it was received by the USPS on August 29, 2009 and never received by me, it was lost (which is difficult to believe) or stolen though it appears only after it entered the USPS stream where it is supposed to be under "lock and key" as Registered mail. If you come across this coin, please contact me at yofijr@hotmail.com.
Two Coins from the Blackmoor Hoard (UK 1873) Robertson #914
Tetricus I (CE 270-274) AE Antoninianus, 20 mm, 2.77 g, Mainz or Trier mint CE 273-4
RCV 11237, RIC 80, C. 54, Hunter 16.
O: IMP TETRICVS PF AVG, rad, cuir bust r.
R: HILARITAS AVGG, Hilaritas stg l., holding long palm and cornucopiae.
Quintillus (CE 270) AE Antoninianus, 19 x 17 mm, 1.57 g, Rome mint.
RCV 11456, RIC 35, C. 73, Hunter 22.
O: IMP C M AVR CL QVINTILLVS AVG, rad, cuir, draped bust r.
R: VIRTVS AVG/ B in field, Mars or Virtus stg l, resting on shield and spear, officina mark in field.
In the Blackmoor Hoard, 34% of the 29,788 coins found consisted of issues of Tetricus I, and 0.0063% of the coins found consisted of issues of Quintillus. (10,195 Tetricus issues found vs 188 Quintillus issues).
On the 30th October, 1873, two earthenware vases (I suppose "ollse"), containing altogether, as counted by me, 29,802 coins, and which must have originally contained a still larger number, were dug up in Blackmoor Park. The spot where they were found is in the parish of Selborne, half-way between Alton and Petersfield, on the western border of Woolmer Forest, about a quarter of a mile N.W. of Woolmer Pond, and close to the point where the Gault clay, which lies below the hills connecting the North with the South Downs, joins the Lower Green sand of the forest. Within a mile of the same spot, in another part of Woolmer Forest, a considerable number of broken swords and spear-heads, &c. (all of bronze) were found one or two years before ; and at the latter place, a year afterwards, about one hundred coins of the Tetrici and Victorinus, with a few of Gallienus, were also found. In the grounds of Blackmoor House many fragments of Roman pottery, with some entire and some broken sepulchral and other vases, and a bronze enamelled cup, with bronze and iron axe-heads, and other articles in metal, have also lately been found ; and in the last century large numbers of Roman coins, of Commodus and earlier emperors, were found in the bed of Woolmer Pond ; where a few, of the same period, have also been picked up within the present century.
The two pots, in which the 29,802 coins were found, were both of the same size and form : pear-shaped, rather more than a foot high, with a maximum diameter of about a foot. The exterior ornamentation (which was slight and simple) was not the same in both. The upper parts were broken, and the lids or covers were missing. The coins in them were closely packed, and caked together with dirt and verdigris ; so as to make it necessary to have those specimens which were worthy of special attention and study {the best of which are now collected in a cabinet at Blackmoor) cleaned.
from the NUMISMATIC CHRONICLE 1877, pp.90+
The Blackmoor hoard consisted of 29,773 coins dating to around AD 296. A battle in that year, probably at Woolmer, saw the troops under Emperor Constantius Chlorus defeat the army of the usurper Allectus to retake control of Britain. The hoard may have been the paychest for Allectus's troops abandoned after their defeat.
According to Robertson’s Inventory (pp.223-224):
“In 1975, the 4th Earl of Selborne decided to sell what he still had left of the hoard. Before it was auctioned by Messrs. Christie on 9 December 1975 he generously lent it to the British Museum to study for some four months and presented a selection of coins from the hoard to the Museum. Although by 1975 the find had been considerably depleted from its original total through the practice of its successive owners of making gifts from it on various occasions, there were still over 22,000 examples to be recorded. Another problem was that only about a third of the coins had been cleaned at the time of the discovery, and since the uncleaned coins were covered with a thick deposit which made them very difficult to identify it was necessary to clean them all before any work could be carried out on them….”
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus III BCE 223-187
AE 21 mm, 8.92 g, 21 mm, 11h, Uncertain Mint 59, Military mint in Coele Syria, Producing Elephant bronzes during the Fifth Syrian War, From BCE 202-198
SC 1084e, ESM 656, SNG Spaer 819-821
O: Laureate hd r. of Antiochus III as Apollo, dotted border.
R: BAΣIΛΕΩΣ above, ANTIOXOY below, Elephant r. with mahout, dotted. border.
Symbol to l: tripod
Controls under Elephant’s belly: Obliterated by c/m.
Countermarks: Horse Hd in rectangular punch under elephant’s belly, Anchor in rectangular punch usually above elephant’s hindquarters.
Cf. SC I, pp. 411-412 for additional information.
According to SC I, Appendix 2, pp. 66-68, "The...bronzes were apparently countermarked first with a horse head, and later with an anchor, to make them "equivalent" to later issues of similar type that had these symbols in the die. The countermarking was probably an aspect of currency regulation by the military: The Seleucid army needed to impose the use of this fiduciary coinage on the population of Ptolemaic Coele Syria during the Fifth Syrian War in order to ensure provisions for its troops." (p. 66)
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus IV Epiphanes BCE 175-164

AR Drachm, 17 mm, 4.06 g., Ecbatana mint
SC 1548, Babelon 520, CSE 1213-1214, LeRider Suse p. 330, B20, pl. lxiv, 7-8.
O: diademed hd of Antiochus IV r., with older features, thin diadem ends waving in parallel behind, dotted border.
R: [BAΣ]ΙΛΕΩ[Σ] on r., ANTIOXOY on l., Apollo std l., on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded bow. Die defect over BAΣ.
Mintmark: horse’s head (outer l.)
Control in ex: ΔK
Tantalus ID#35513
Greece/Seleucid; Seleucus IV Philopator BCE 187-175

AR Drachm, 16 x 18 mm, 4.1 g., Ξ/AP mint, in
SC 1361.3, CSE 1198 (same obv. die), LeRider Suse p. 326, B6, pl. lxii, 1; SNG Spaer 947-948.
O: diademed hd of Seleucus IV r., older portrait with large hd of coarse style, short diadem ends curving downward and behind.
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ on r., ΣΕΛΕΥΚOY on l., Apollo std l., on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded compound bow.
Primary control: Ξ/AP (inner l.)
Secondary controls: on outer l., and outer r.
Tantalus ID#35514
Greece/Seleucid; Philip I Philadelphus BCE c. 95/4-perhaps 76/5
AR Tetradrachm, 25 mm, 14.58g., Antioch or another Eastern mint, lifetime of Philip or posthumous.
SC 2464c
O: diademed hd of Philip I r., with bulging eyes and pouting lips, and an especially pronounced aquiline nose. diadem ends falling straight behind, fillet border.
R: Zeus std l., holding Nike and sceptre, laurel wreath border. [ΒΑ]ΣΙΛΕΩ[Σ] ΦΙΛΙΠΠO[Y] in two lines on the r., ΕΠΙΦAΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦO[Y] in two lines on l.
Primary Control: T in ex.
Frozen control under throne.
cf. SC II pp. 604-605 for further info on this type.
Tantalus ID#35515
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus IX Cyzicenus BCE 114/3-95

SC 2364.2b
O: diad hd of Antiochus IX r, with short curly beard, one diad end waving up behind, the other falling forward over shoulder, dotted border.
R: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY in two lines on r., ΦIΛOΠATOPOΣ on l., winged thunderbolt placed vertically.
Dated: Σ= SE 200 inner bottom left.
Controls: N with line above.
Symbol: aphlaston
Roman Egypt, Vespasian CE 69-79
AE Hemidrachm, 28.9 mm, 12.297 g, Alexandria mint, LA= July CE 69-August CE 69
Dattari 396 (this coin), Geissen 271, BMC Alexandria p. 32, 269; Emmett 211 (R4)
obverse AΥΤ TIT ΦΛΑΥΙ OΥEΣΠΑΣΙΑΝ KAIΣ, laureate head right, date L A (year 1) before;
reverse bust of Nilus right, wreathed with papyrus, cornucopia on left shoulder
EX: Giovanni Dattari (1853-1923) Collection author of Numi Augg. Alexandrini. (Cairo, 1901)
Ex: Colisseum Coin Exchange
Ex: Forum Ancient Coins
Greece/Seleucid; Demetrius II Nikator (First Reign) BCE 146-138
AR Drachm, 3.88 g, 17 mm, Seleucia on the Tigris mint, BCE 145-July 141 (when the city fell to the Parthians)
SC 1986.1
O: Diad. hd of Demetrius II r., diadem ends falling straight behind, fillet border.
Obverse Control Behind Hd
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗMHTPIOY in two lines on the r., ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦOY NIKATOPOΣ in two lines on l., Zeus enthroned l., holding eagle and sceptre.
Greece/Seleucid; Alexander I Balas BCE 152-145

SC 1785.13a (reference Hirsch 168, 22 Nov 1990, lot 342)
O: Diademed hd of Alexander I r., clean shaven or with sideburn, diadem ends falling straight behind, dotted border.
R: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ in two lines on r., ΘΕΟΠATOPOΣ EYEPΓETOY in two lines on l., Apollo std l., on omphalos, testing arrow and resting hand on grounded bow.
Controls in ex., primary on left.
EX: CNG EA 213 (01 July 2009), portion of lot 581, CNG noted that all coins had find patinas. All were average VF. (though this piece has some nicks and scratches and a small flan crack at 10 o'clock on the O).
Tantalus ID#35517
Greece/Seleucid; Seleucus IV Philopator BCE 187-175
SC 1316.2
O: draped bust of Dionysus r., wreathed with ivy, thyrsus over shoulder dotted border.
R: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ above., ΣΕΛΕΥKOY below, filleted prow l., with railing, acrostolion, spar, ram and eye ornament, dotted border
Obverse control: A/B behind head.
Reverse control: indeterminate
Acquisition: 2009
Greece/Seleucid; Seleucus II Callinicus BCE 246-226
Greece/Seleucid; Antiochus VIII Epiphanes BCE 121-96
SC 2313.1a variety
O: diad. Hd of Antiochus VIII r. diadem ends falling straight behind, dotted border
R: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOV in two lines on r, ΕΠΙΦ[ΑΝΟVΣ ]on l., filleted double cornucopiae. Control on outer left (off flan) and no other discernable marks.
Acquisition: 2009