ROMAN/Septimius Severus CE 193-211

AR Denarius 17.5 mm, 3.35 g, Roma mint c. CE 200-201

RSC 612

RIC IV 168a

O:  laur bust r SEVERVS AVG-PART MAX

R: Severus stg l in military garb, offering sacrifice over altar RESTITVTO-RI VRBIS


This denarius commemorates the restorative work in Roma undertaken by Severus after securing his position in the wake of the civil wars arising after the murder of Commodus in CE 192.  One example, is some restorative work commemorated by a now barely visible inscription on the Pantheon beneath that of the Agrippa inscription, noting his contribution to restoring the structure that “deteriorated by old age”.


GREEK/Seleucid; Demetrios II (first reign) BCE 146-138

 AR Hemidrachm 14 mm, 1.78 g, 12h, Antioch mint c. BCE 145/4

SC 1910d

CSE II 513

O: diad hd right, fillet border.

R: BAΣIΛEΩ[Σ]/ΔHMHTPIOY in two lines on right.

ΘEOY/ΦIΛAΔEΛΦOY/NIKATOPOΣ in three lines on the left. Apollo stg facing left

control marks in lower center left adjacent to Apollo's right leg.