ROMAN/Crispus as Caesar CE 316-326
Bi Reduced Follis, 3.19 g, 20 mm, 12h, London mint CE 318
RCV 16720 variety
RIC VII London 143 variety
Cloke/Toone 8.11.033 (RR)
O: laureate, draped, cuir bust r. FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAE
R: Sol stg left raising right hand and holding orb in left with drapery falling over left shoulder.
SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI. PLN in ex and crescent in left field.
with thanks to Lee Toone for the Cloke/Toone info.
ROMAN PROVINCIAL/Paphlagonia; Sinope/Geta as Augustus CE 209-212
AE 19 mm, 5.3 g, 6 h, dated 255 corresponding to CE 210.
Lindgren III, 165
RPC ID 84535 (this coin illustrating type) 2 known, though there are at least three by my census as of 2024.
O: laur., draped bust right [IMP CAES P SEP] GETA AV
R: Temple front of two columns, with female deity Nemesis (?) stg in center, [C I F SIN]O ANN
CC[LV] or as Lindgren described the coin "distyle shrine within which Nemesis stg l, r. (hand?) at mouth, l., holding cubit rule" (Lindgren III, page 10, the latter description is from ISEGRIM).
Lindgren also notes NISC "not in sources consulted and perhaps unpublished". Though it is now published in Lindgren (1993) though not found in any other sources nor recent auction records that have been consulted and therefore, possibly a rare or scarce piece.
with thanks to Pekka K and Mark Fox for the information related to the identification of this coin.
O: laur., draped bust right [IMP CAES P SEP] GETA AV
R: Temple front of two columns, with female deity Nemesis (?) stg in center, [C I F SIN]O ANN
CC[LV] or as Lindgren described the coin "distyle shrine within which Nemesis stg l, r. (hand?) at mouth, l., holding cubit rule" (Lindgren III, page 10, the latter description is from ISEGRIM).
Lindgren also notes NISC "not in sources consulted and perhaps unpublished". Though it is now published in Lindgren (1993) though not found in any other sources nor recent auction records that have been consulted and therefore, possibly a rare or scarce piece.
with thanks to Pekka K and Mark Fox for the information related to the identification of this coin.
GREEK/Seleucid; Demetrios II (First Reign) BCE 144-138
SC 1904
(this coin, also SC plate coin)
CSE 875
(this coin)
O: diad
hd right, fillet border.
R: BAΣIΛEΩ[Σ]/ΔHMHTPI[OY] in two lines on right.
in three lines on the left.
Date would appear
on inner right beneath control, it is possibly present but obscured by an area
of flatness.
Control, inner
right: ΣI
Arthur Houghton (1940-) Collection, CSE 875 “from Lebanon/Beirut”
coin from SC II vol II (plate 26). Noted as “unique” in SC.
ROMAN/Maximianus CE 286-310
AE Post Reform Radiate, 3.18 g, 21 mm, 11h, Cyzicus Mint c.
CE 295-299
RCV 13315
O: rad cuir draped bust r IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS PF AVG
R: Maximianus on left receiving victory from Jupiter on
Kϵ in
field between figs above ex.
GREECE/Seleucid; Antiochus IX Kyzicenus BCE 114-95
AR Drachm, 3.82 g, 17 mm, 12h, Tarsus mint , c. BCE 96/5
SC 2356
O: diademed hd of Antiochus IX r, clean shaven, diadem ends falling straight behind, fillet border.
R: [Β]ΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY in two lines on r., ΦΙΛΟΠATPOPOΣ on l., Sandan mounted on back of panther/griffin., holding ax. Controls outer l., field.
GREECE/Seleucid; Alexander I Balas BCE 152-145
AE 14 mm, 3.67g 12h Antioch mint
SC 1791.1a
O: hd of Dionysus r. dotted border
R: BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ above AΛΕΞANΔPOY below, elephant, monograms.
PORTUGAL; Pedro II O Pacifico 1683-1706
AR 40 Reis (2 Vintens) 1.57g., 16-mm, 6h, minted Lisbon c. 1683
KM 134
Gomes 21.01
Ex: Morton & Eden (13-11-2012) "The Huntington Collection of Portuguese & Portuguese Colonial Coins" portion of lot 104
Ex: Hispanic Society of America Collection #25987
Ex: Archer M. Huntington (1870-1955) Collection
GREECE/Armenia; Tigranes II BCE 95-56
Æ Chalkous (5.24 g, 17 mm, 11h). Tigranakert mint. Struck c. 80-68 BC.
CAA 93 corr.; AC 48
O:Draped bust right, wearing five-pointed Armenian tiara decorated with star between two eagles
R: [BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ] BAΣΙΛΕΩN TIΓPANOY, Tyche of Antioch seated right, holding palm with Orontes at her feet; TP monogram across inner right field A below.
ex: Warren Esty
Pocket Change
Pocket change from a trip to Italy Fall 2017
Austria 20c 2016 (Leuchtturm 2018 Catalogue Euro #LN-K5.2 30 million minted)
Some friends who are not collectors recently returned from a two week trip to Italy and brought back (at my request) their pocket change from the trip that ended up being about
€7,00 or 23 coins in denominations from 1c to €1,00 (2c coins were missing from this sample).
My interest in their pocket change was out of a curiosity based upon my interest in Roman coins and knowing a little about how Roman coins of different mints, some far afield from where they were eventually found in hoards circulated freely in the "common market" of the Roman Empire.
No hard and fast conclusions can be gathered from this small sample, but I find it interesting that for the first time since the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe has a standard currency that circulates as its Roman predecessors did 18 centuries ago.
This sample of 23 coins can be broken down as follows with coins originating in:
Austria 1 4.3%
Spain 5 21.7%
Germany 5 21.7%
Italy 10 43.4%
Greece 1 4.3%
France 1 4.3%
The 56.6% of the sample originates from outside Italy, but the largest single contingent is Italian in origin, followed by Spain and Germany.
By denomination, the breakdown is as follows:
1-1c (Italian origin and not found in change but picked up randomly from the ground)
2-5c (1-France, 1-Italy)
7-10c (3-Italy, 3-Spain, 1-Greece)
6-20c (1-Italy, 2-Germany, 1-Austria, 2-Spain)
4-50c (2-Italy, 2-Germany)
3-€1,00 (2-Italy, 1-Germany)
Mints and Dates:
1c Italy 2013
5c Italy 2002, France 2007
10c Greece 2002, Italy 2007 & 2011, Spain 1999 & 2005
20c Italy 2002, Austia 2016, Germany 2002F & 2002J, Spain 1999, 2007
50c Italy 2002, Germany 2002D
€1,00 Italy 2009 & 2010, Germany 2002G
The coins from Spain traveled approximately 1,200 miles East from Madrid to their destination in Rome which was the furthest any of the coins traveled with one of the German coins traveling from Hamburg (mint) South to Rome at about 1,030 miles. The Greek coin traveled approximately 836 miles west from Athens to Rome.
Austria 20c 2016 (Leuchtturm 2018 Catalogue Euro #LN-K5.2 30 million minted)
Some friends who are not collectors recently returned from a two week trip to Italy and brought back (at my request) their pocket change from the trip that ended up being about
€7,00 or 23 coins in denominations from 1c to €1,00 (2c coins were missing from this sample).
My interest in their pocket change was out of a curiosity based upon my interest in Roman coins and knowing a little about how Roman coins of different mints, some far afield from where they were eventually found in hoards circulated freely in the "common market" of the Roman Empire.
No hard and fast conclusions can be gathered from this small sample, but I find it interesting that for the first time since the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe has a standard currency that circulates as its Roman predecessors did 18 centuries ago.
This sample of 23 coins can be broken down as follows with coins originating in:
Austria 1 4.3%
Spain 5 21.7%
Germany 5 21.7%
Italy 10 43.4%
Greece 1 4.3%
France 1 4.3%
The 56.6% of the sample originates from outside Italy, but the largest single contingent is Italian in origin, followed by Spain and Germany.
By denomination, the breakdown is as follows:
1-1c (Italian origin and not found in change but picked up randomly from the ground)
2-5c (1-France, 1-Italy)
7-10c (3-Italy, 3-Spain, 1-Greece)
6-20c (1-Italy, 2-Germany, 1-Austria, 2-Spain)
4-50c (2-Italy, 2-Germany)
3-€1,00 (2-Italy, 1-Germany)
Mints and Dates:
1c Italy 2013
5c Italy 2002, France 2007
10c Greece 2002, Italy 2007 & 2011, Spain 1999 & 2005
20c Italy 2002, Austia 2016, Germany 2002F & 2002J, Spain 1999, 2007
50c Italy 2002, Germany 2002D
€1,00 Italy 2009 & 2010, Germany 2002G
The coins from Spain traveled approximately 1,200 miles East from Madrid to their destination in Rome which was the furthest any of the coins traveled with one of the German coins traveling from Hamburg (mint) South to Rome at about 1,030 miles. The Greek coin traveled approximately 836 miles west from Athens to Rome.
ISLAMIC/Abbasid; Harun ar-Rashid CE 786-809/AH 170-193
AR Dirham, 2.89 g, 21 mm, 3h, Madinat as-Salaam (Baghdad) mint AH 192
(CE 807-808)
Album 219.2
Wilkes 384
O: inner inscription:
لا اله
الله وحده
لا شرك
Outer inscription:
بسم الله
R: inner
محمد رسول
الحق ليظهره
ROMAN/ Maximianus CE 286-310
AE Antoninianus, 3.34 g, 22 mm, 6h, Lugdunum mint CE 286
RIC V Diocletian 388
Similar to RCV 12669 (Diocletian with no similar listing for Maximianus)
O: IMP C VAL MAXIMIANVS PF AVG; rad, cuir draped bust r.
R: IOVI CONSERVATORI in left field D; Jupiter stg l holding fulmen in rt hand and scepter in l.
ex: Ephesus Numis.
GREEK/Seleucid; Antiochus III BCE 223-187
AE 18 mm 5.6 g, 6h, Uncertain mint 60; Military mint in Coele Syria during Fifth Syrian War from BCE 202
SC 1089
WSM 789 though identified as Antiochus I from the mint of Carrhae both of which appear incorrect now.
WSM 789 though identified as Antiochus I from the mint of Carrhae both of which appear incorrect now.
O: Macedonian shield with gorgoneion in center, dotted border.
R: BΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ANTIOXOY in two lines beneath elephant r, dotted border.
No controls visible nor Anchor symbol which should facing right above the elephant
No controls visible nor Anchor symbol which should facing right above the elephant
ISLAMIC/India; Sultanate of Delhi; 'Ala-ad-din Muhammad Khalji CE 1296-1316
Billon 2 Gani; 3.18 g, 17 mm, 5h. nm, nd.
Goron-Goenka D233
Wilkes 2473
O: (Nagari inscription around) Sri Sultan Alavadin
(Arabic inscription)
محمد شاه
R: (Arabic inscription with portions off flan)
العظم علا
الدنيا والدين
A Visit to the UK and the New Pound Coin
In late July, during a visit to London and it's environs I encountered the New 12-sided Pound Coin in my change. The coin is obviously different from the old Pound Coins in that it is bimetallic and 12-sided to begin with, but it is supposed to be one of the most secure coins around (we shall see). Considering how the old pound was counterfeited, the Royal Mint better hope that it's micro-printing and other devices do in fact secure the coin for the foreseeable future.
Click on the link below to learn more about it's interesting features:
The New Pound Coin
A Visit to Canada 150
During a short visit to Ottawa this past week, I visited the newly opened Bank of Canada Museum across Wellington from Parliament Hill. I have to say that it was a wonderful visit to an engaging and enjoyable interactive museum experience. Not only for adults but for kids as well.
In addition, if you choose to visit this year, I also recommend visiting Park Jacques Cartier on the Gatineau, QC side of the Ottawa River where you can visit the amazing MosaϊCanada 150 outdoor sculpture garden. At the end of the tour, there is a Royal Mint of Canada booth where you can purchase commemorative coins for the 150th Anniversary celebrations this year. Many of the examples are 99.99% silver (as well as gold coin and colorized coin examples).
A circulating example of a 150th Anniversary coin is the "Loonie" without the Loon:
You would think that the portrait of the Queen would be less stylized and more authentic as it had been in the past, or as detailed as the reverse.
Another change since our last visit to Canada a few years ago was the introduction of Polymer bank notes. We found the notes in our possession seemed to wrinkle and stay that shape. Our Canadian friends said that the notes were not problematic to use and in fact they have no complaints about the new notes, that have been in use for about three years. A black and white photo of a $5 bill in circulation appears below. The actual note is light blue in color. The notes have many examples of the latest in anti-counterfeiting technology and the Bank of Canada Museum has a great display relating to this and the history of Canadian paper money. Apparently, the polymer notes are expected to last 2-3 times longer then conventional paper money.
The key landmark in Ottawa is the impressive Parliament Hill Center Block with the Peace Tower as depicted below:
In addition, if you choose to visit this year, I also recommend visiting Park Jacques Cartier on the Gatineau, QC side of the Ottawa River where you can visit the amazing MosaϊCanada 150 outdoor sculpture garden. At the end of the tour, there is a Royal Mint of Canada booth where you can purchase commemorative coins for the 150th Anniversary celebrations this year. Many of the examples are 99.99% silver (as well as gold coin and colorized coin examples).
A circulating example of a 150th Anniversary coin is the "Loonie" without the Loon:
You would think that the portrait of the Queen would be less stylized and more authentic as it had been in the past, or as detailed as the reverse.
Another change since our last visit to Canada a few years ago was the introduction of Polymer bank notes. We found the notes in our possession seemed to wrinkle and stay that shape. Our Canadian friends said that the notes were not problematic to use and in fact they have no complaints about the new notes, that have been in use for about three years. A black and white photo of a $5 bill in circulation appears below. The actual note is light blue in color. The notes have many examples of the latest in anti-counterfeiting technology and the Bank of Canada Museum has a great display relating to this and the history of Canadian paper money. Apparently, the polymer notes are expected to last 2-3 times longer then conventional paper money.
The key landmark in Ottawa is the impressive Parliament Hill Center Block with the Peace Tower as depicted below:
IRAN/Sasanid; Khusro II CE 590-628
AR Drachm, 4.04 g, 31 mm, 3h, AHM =Hamadan mint RN: 27= CE
Göbl 212
O: crowned bust
right, XUSRUI on right AFZUT on left
“Khusro, may he increase”
R: on right AHM on left regnal date "Haftbist"/=
ROMAN/Trajan CE 98-117
AE Sestertius 34mm, 28.84 g, 6h, Roma mint c. CE 106-107
RCV 3201 variety; RIC II 528; Woytek 204cA; Banti 168; BMCRE
O: Laur., draped bust with aegis, IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO
R: Victory stg r, l. foot on helmet(?) inscribing VIC/DAC on
shield attached to palm stump.
SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI/ S-C in lower field.
Commemorates Trajan’s victory in the Second Dacian War.
IRAN/Parthia; Phriapatius BCE 185-170
AE Chalkous 2.78 g, 16 mm; Hekatompylos mint
S 8.2 var. (Mithradates I in Sellwood 1980)
O: bust left wearing a bashlyk
R: horse prancing right with retrograde APΣAKOY
across the upper field
IRAN/PARTHIA; Vardanes I. Circa AD 40-47
AR Tetradrachm (14.16 gm; 28mm x 25mm) Seleukia mint, Dystros SE 354/February CE 43
Cf. Sellwood 64.14;
cf. Shore 350-351;
Sunrise 413.
O: Diademed bust left, wart on forehead
R: Vardanes seated right, receiving palm from Tyche standing left, holding cornucopia.
between Tyche and Vardanes ΔNT
There is graffito on the obverse left field that appears to be ancient based upon the patina
and it appears to refer to "ROMA" as the inscription is in Latin script not Greek.
between Tyche and Vardanes ΔNT
There is graffito on the obverse left field that appears to be ancient based upon the patina
and it appears to refer to "ROMA" as the inscription is in Latin script not Greek.
Graffito highlighted above and as it appears without highlighting below
ROMAN/Gratian CE 367-383
AE 2, 23mm, 6.09 g, 12h, Roma mint CE 379-383
Sear 20006
RIC IX 43a2
O: DN GRATIA-NVS PF AVG, diad, draped cuirassed bust right.
R: REPARATIO -REIPVB/SMRP in ex., Gratian in military attire stg l raising with right hand a turreted female figure who kneels before him and holding victory on blob in left.
Ex: Warren Esty
Ex: Ron Bude/RomanLode
Sear 20006
RIC IX 43a2
O: DN GRATIA-NVS PF AVG, diad, draped cuirassed bust right.
R: REPARATIO -REIPVB/SMRP in ex., Gratian in military attire stg l raising with right hand a turreted female figure who kneels before him and holding victory on blob in left.
Ex: Warren Esty
Ex: Ron Bude/RomanLode
BYZANTIUM/Heraclius CE 610-641 & Heraclius Constantine CE 613-641
AE 12 Nummi, 17 mm, 4.45g, 5h, Alexandria mint c. CE 613-618
SB 853
DO 189
BMC 289-296
O: dd NN hERAC (apparently blundered and not entirely visible here)
facing busts of Heraclius bearded l, and Heraclius Constantine beardless r. each wearing a chlamys and crown with a cross.
R: large IB with cross potent on two steps between. in ex. AΛEΞ
Two Venetian Grossi of the 13th Century CE
Doge Jacopo Tiepolo CE 1229-1249
AR Grosso, 1.97 g, ---mm, ---h
Biaggi 2769
Doge Jacopo Contarini CE 1275-1280
AR Grosso, 1.89 g, ---mm, ---h
Biaggi 2783
Brazil/Empire; Dom Pedro II 1831-1889
AR 1000 Reis, 29 mm, 12.6 g, 1857, Mintage: 512,000
KM # 465
Views of Dom Pedro's Brasil:
On the road from Rio to Petropolis, the Summer residence of D. Pedro
View of the Summer Palace in Petropolis
D. Pedro's final resting place in the Cathedral at Petropolis.
Three Cuban Non-Circulating Commemoratives
Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution 1959-1989
CN 1 peso, 30 mm, 11.3 g., Mintage: 2,000
KM # 257
CN 1 peso, 30 mm, 11.3 g., Mintage: 2,000
KM # 257
Undated Commemorative of 2007 Commemorating the 40th Anniv. of the death of Che Guevara
issued in CN and Copper plated varieties, both depicted here, but the difference in these two examples is also noted in their respective weights. (Cu plated example is 3.6 g heavier)
CN 1 peso, 38 mm, 26 g., Mintage: n/a presently.
KM # 871
Cu plated 1 peso, 38 mm, 29.6 g. , Mintage: n/a presently.
KM# 871
ISLAMIC/Palembang; Mahmud Badruddin II 1804-1821
Tin Piti, 0.73 g, 18 mm, undated, Robinson #11.1 (R1)
Blundered legend should read:
ضرب في بلد فلمبغ دار الاسلام
ISLAMIC/Palembang; Muhammad Badruddin II 1776-1804
Tin Piti, 0.73 g, 18mm. AH 1203/CE 1789, Robinson #9 (R1)
Inscription reads:
السلطان في بلد فلمبنغ سنة ١٢٠٣
GREEK/Seleucid; Antiochos IX Kyzicenos BCE 114/113-95
AR Drachm, 4.02 g 16.5 mm 12h, Uncertain Mint (Spaer thought
Northern Syria)
SNG Von Post 603 (this coin)
SC 2400
HGC 1239d (R3)
O: diad. Hd rt. Dotted border
R: Nike adv left holding out wreath, [BA]ΣIΛEΩΣ/[A]NTIOXOY
on right and [Φ]IΛ-OΠATOPOΣ on inner
left with controls on outer left AΩ monogram above Δ
From the three examples that have been identified, it appears that all of the three coins were produced from the same obverse and reverse dies, meaning a single die produced all three examples. Without additional examples I think it may be premature to jump to any conclusions on the basis of just this observation at this time. If you are aware of other examples of this coin, please email me.
It may be that Von Post acquired this coin while he was Swedish Ambassador in Turkey from 1946-1951. Though we can only surmise through this information that the possible find spot was somewhere in that region, perhaps even Cilicia where it is possible that it was minted. Though no certain conclusions can be reached with our circumstantial evidence being stretched to such ends. Without the original information on the provenance of the coin we are left poorer and our theories on origin all the weaker.

it appears that the write ups for the coins were taken literally from SNG Von Post. The information about the mint being Antioch and that the drachm is a variety of SMA 404 are wholly incorrect as we now know and likely an example of expediency rather than scholarship on the cataloger's part.
The winning bid of £638 for the lot
exceeded the original estimates. In 1995 USD, that was equivalent to $1,006.70
or approximately $201.34 for each of the five coins in the lot. With inflation, that winning bid would be
approximately $1,623.58 or $324.72 for each coin in 2017 USD. (thanks to Ella Hall of Sothebys (NY) Coin Dept for price realized).
ISLAMIC/Palembang; Mahmud Badruddin II 1804-1821
Tin Piti, 17 mm, 0.80 g, AH 1219/CE 1804, Robinson #10 (R1)
Inscription reads from bottom left around to bottom right:
مصروف في بلد فلمبغ ١٢١٩
Inscription reads from bottom left around to bottom right:
مصروف في بلد فلمبغ ١٢١٩
ISLAMIC/Palembang; Muhammad Badruddin II 1776-1804, Three Pitis
Left: 13 mm, 0.44 g Robinson # 5.5 (R1) AH 1193 (though appears to be 1183 due to poorly executed numeral) /CE 1779
Center: 14 mm, 0.57 g Robinson #5 (R1) same date.
Right: 14 mm, 0.41 g, Robinson #5.9 (R2) date is poorly executed as 113 rather than 1193
The general inscription reads:
في بلد فلمبغ
سنة ١١٩٣
ISLAMIC/Palembang Tin Piti 18th Century CE
Tin Piti, undated though source appear to agree c. AH 1163/CE 17501.19 g/21 mm
"Alamat bilad Palembang"
Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I CE 1724-1757
Milies 200
Robinson 4 (R1)
Great Britain/Hanover; Victoria 1837-1901
AR 1 1/2 d., 0.69 g, 11 mm, minted for use in Ceylon & Jamaica, 1839, mintage 760,000
KM# 728
SCBC 3915
ex: Stephen Album
DDR 50 pf 1950-A
Aluminum/Bronze, 3.38g, East Berlin mint 1950, 67,703,000 mintage
KM # 4
O: denomination above date and below Deutschland
R: plow in front of factory with tall smokestacks.
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