AR Drachm, 4.02 g 16.5 mm 12h, Uncertain Mint (Spaer thought
Northern Syria)
SNG Von Post 603 (this coin)
SC 2400
HGC 1239d (R3)
O: diad. Hd rt. Dotted border
R: Nike adv left holding out wreath, [BA]ΣIΛEΩΣ/[A]NTIOXOY
on right and [Φ]IΛ-OΠATOPOΣ on inner
left with controls on outer left AΩ monogram above Δ
From the three examples that have been identified, it appears that all of the three coins were produced from the same obverse and reverse dies, meaning a single die produced all three examples. Without additional examples I think it may be premature to jump to any conclusions on the basis of just this observation at this time. If you are aware of other examples of this coin, please email me.
It may be that Von Post acquired this coin while he was Swedish Ambassador in Turkey from 1946-1951. Though we can only surmise through this information that the possible find spot was somewhere in that region, perhaps even Cilicia where it is possible that it was minted. Though no certain conclusions can be reached with our circumstantial evidence being stretched to such ends. Without the original information on the provenance of the coin we are left poorer and our theories on origin all the weaker.

it appears that the write ups for the coins were taken literally from SNG Von Post. The information about the mint being Antioch and that the drachm is a variety of SMA 404 are wholly incorrect as we now know and likely an example of expediency rather than scholarship on the cataloger's part.
The winning bid of £638 for the lot
exceeded the original estimates. In 1995 USD, that was equivalent to $1,006.70
or approximately $201.34 for each of the five coins in the lot. With inflation, that winning bid would be
approximately $1,623.58 or $324.72 for each coin in 2017 USD. (thanks to Ella Hall of Sothebys (NY) Coin Dept for price realized).